Scientific Area Committee. In 2014, guided by NIST, a Forensic Science Standards Board
(FSSB) was established to develop guidelines, best practices and standards for the forensic
disciplines. Scientific Area Committees (SACs) will approve guidelines and best practices and
recommend standards to the Forensic Science Standards Board (FSSB) for approval. The five
SACs, each with discipline specific subcommittees, are (1) Biology/DNA, (2)
Chemistry/Instrumentation, (3) Crime Scene/Death Investigation, (4) Information
Technology/Multimedia, and (5) Physics/Pattern.

Safe Approach Vapourized Evidence Device.

Southern California Association of Fingerprint Officers.

Scottish Criminal Record Office. Founded in April 1960.

Standards Development Organization. A group that approves standards to submit to an
organization that publishes standards. In 2016, the Academy Standards Board (ASB) was formed
to approve general consensus standards for pattern evidence disciplines and recommend those
standards be published by ANSI.

An acronym for the requirement an expert must have; skills, knowledge, education, experience,
and training.

Senior Managers Australian and New Zealand Forensic Laboratories.

From the Greater Manchester Police, Scenes Of Crime Officer (now CSEO).

Small Particle Reagent. Suspension in which molybdenum disulphide adheres to fats and oils,
allowing for visualization of friction ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

An AFIS term meaning Sending Search to Other, referring to searching another AFIS system
from your system.

Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology. This group was
established by the FBI in 1995 as TWGFAST, Technical Working Group on Friction Ridge
Analysis, Study and Technology. Funding was provided by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ).
The name was changed to SWGFAST in 1999. This organization developed standards and
guidelines in the area of friction skin identification. In 2007, it was officially recognized that
SWGFAST represented both the tenprint and latent print disciplines. In 2013, NIJ discontinued
funding 10 SWG groups, one of which was SWGFAST.

Safe Approach Vapourized Evidence Device (SAVED)
A robotic device developed by Sgt. Dave Wood from Calgary, Canada. This device is designed
to find fingerprints on objects that are too dangerous for a person to handle. It fumes the object
and photographs any latent prints found prior to the object being destroyed. To date, this device
has never been used in actual casework but it is anticipated that it will be soon. In Nov. 2004
SAVED was shown on the television show CSI.

See People v. Cory Safford (Illinois, 2009)

Safranin O
Red dye which produces fluorescence when exposed to selected wavelengths of light; used to
visualize cyanoacrylate fumed friction ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Testing a portion of an item and giving a conclusion that is representative of the entire item.
Sampling is an efficiency measure that is used when it can be assumed that additional tests
would likely result in the same conclusion (e.g. testing a small number of pills in a bottle instead
of testing every pill when all pills appear to be the same).
Sampling is inappropriate for latent print processing or examination because it is unreasonable to
assume that one test or examination is representative of other tests or examinations.
In latent print work, partial or limited work may be performed but this is not considered sampling
because the conclusions given do not indicate that other conclusions would likely be the same.

Sampson, William C. and Karen L.
William Sampson (1936-Nov. 28, 2007) is recognized as the most knowledgeable individual
regarding the recovery of latent prints from human skin. He retired from the Miami-Dade Police
Department after 38 years of service that included assignments to Radio Patrol, Foot Patrol,
Traffic Homicide, Training Advisor, Training Bureau; Crime Scene Investigator; Interim
Administrative Supervisor/Crime Scene Investigations Bureau, Liaison to Miami-Dade Police
Department’s Crime Laboratory and the Miami-Dade Medical Examiner Department. Bill
Sampson’s training and special projects include Coordinator for the Crime Scene Investigations
Bureau; Certified Instructor by the Florida State General Police Standards Commission and has
served as an adjunct professor at the Miami-Dade Community College. He has taught over 250
law enforcement entities, several universities, nine International Association for Identification
International Conferences, numerous IAI Divisional Conferences, International Chiefs of Police
Conference, and for the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
Several awards have recognized his contributions and accomplishments. He is the recipient of
the Miami-Dade Police Department’s Distinguished Service Award, recipient of 6 consecutive
NACo (1990 thru 1995) Awards, the National Association of Counties for excellence in county
government achievements in the field of Forensic Science, and the recipient of Ford Foundation
He’s held an active role in the International Association for Identification; being a Certified Senior
Crime Scene Analyst, Distinguished Member, recipient of the prestigious John Dondero Award,
served on several committee positions and Past Chair Person of the Safety Committee, as well
as a member of the Editorial Review Board.
Mr. Sampson has also been involved in many other organizations. He is a retired Fellow of the
British Fingerprint Society, Honorary Life Member of the Utah State Division of the IAI, member of
the Florida Division of the IAI and has served on Board of Directors, Historian, District Director
and served on various committees; recipient of Sustained Achievement Award and the
Outstanding Science Award.
Karen Sampson is President of KLS Forensics Inc., which the Sampson’s established in 1995.
This company provides hands-on intensive training in various crime scene related subjects. KLS
Forensics also assists law enforcement agencies when requested. Her expertise includes the
fields of textiles, Product Identification and it’s origin and Photography. She is a past instructor
and consultant for Miami-Dade Police department and the Miami-Dade Medial Examiner’s Office.
She has also taught at 4 International Annual Conferences of the IAI, numerous divisional
conferences, American Academy of Forensic Sciences and numerous law enforcement entities
and universities.
Karen Sampson has attended and successfully completed specialized training in the fields of
fingerprint comparison, Forensic Photography and Crime Scene Analysis.
She is a member of the International Association for Identification, American Academy of
Forensic Sciences, Florida Division of the IAI, Honorary Life member of Utah State Division of the
IAI, and served on the IAI’s 1995 committee on Management Issues.

Sandwich Method
The Sandwich Method is a dry process used to develop friction ridge detail on porous items.
Transfer sheets are first prepared by soaking clean sheets of paper in the desired chemical and
allowed to air dry (commonly ninhydrin or DMAC are used). Then the paper to be processed is
placed between the transfer sheets and processed normally. The benefits to this method are that
no bleeding of the ink or background discoloration occurs.

Santamaria Method
Florentino Santamaria Beltran, Chief of the Technical Police Laboratory in Madrid, Spain, was
perhaps the first person to publish a quality and quantity approach to evaluating ridge
characteristics. Santamaria did research in the 1940’s and presented his findings in June of 1953
at the 22nd General Assembly of the International Criminal Police Commission in Oslo, Norway.
Santamaria recognized that some characteristics were rarer than others and all characteristics
shouldn’t carry the same weight. Santamaria may have been the initial inspiration behind
recognizing that a numerical standard was not the best approach in quantifying a fingerprint

A mark remaining after the healing of a wound.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0
A mark left on the skin after an injury to the dermis or a mark left on the skin after an injury to the
generating layer of the epidermis. If an injury to the generating layer of the epidermis removes
sufficient regenerating cells, the cells cannot reproduce the original characteristics of the skin,
leaving fibrous tissue or a scar.

Scarf skin
Dry or dead skin which has scaled and peeled away from the surface skin.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical
explanation of phenomena.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=science 02-27-03
A way of gaining knowledge about a natural phenomenon and the body of knowledge derived
from this approach. This systematic form of reasoning differs from other forms of reasoning, (like
hearsay, intuition, a belief system or coincidence) by gaining knowledge through testable
observations, peer review, and other scientific guidelines. These procedures ensure objectivity
resulting in a more reliable, credible and consistent type of knowledge.

Scientific Conclusion
A conclusion arrived at by using scientific protocols.

Scientific Foundation
The basis underlying a concept is rooted in science, e.g. a lamp is based on electricity, a
fingerprint is part of anatomy.

Scientific Method
The principles and empirical processes of discovery and demonstration considered characteristic
of or necessary for scientific investigation, generally involving the observation of phenomena, the
formulation of a hypothesis concerning the phenomena, experimentation to demonstrate the truth
or falseness of the hypothesis, and a conclusion that validates or modifies the hypothesis.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=scientific%20method 02-27-03
A process by which people gain knowledge based on evidence, not on beliefs. Scientific
methods make a distinction between concepts formed with data vs. notions formed with
emotions, chance, intuition, or guessing. Scientific methods include inductive reasoning,
deductive reasoning, the process of elimination, and hypothesis testing.

Scientific Proof
It is a myth that scientific proof exists. The goal of science is not to provide proof but to find
reasonable explanations of natural phenomenon.

William Whewell first coined the word science in 1833. Before then, thinkers in science were
known as ‘natural philosophers’. The first of these natural philosophers that history records were
Thales and his contemporaries, Anaximander and Anaximenes, who lived in Greece around
600BC, although there were also similar people to be found in China, India, Egypt and
Mesopotamia. Whewell chose the terms ‘science’ and ‘scientist’ from the Latin scire ‘to know’. So
‘science’ is the pursuit of knowledge.
http://www.sciencenet.org.uk/database/General/0104/x00046d.html 02-27-03
One who has a deep understanding of a certain body of knowledge and rigorously adheres to
scientific principles, guidelines, and methodologies in order to formulate theoretical knowledge or

Investigating and questioning an idea or conclusion to ensure it is based on evidence and sound

Sebaceous Glands
Small subcutaneous glands, usually connected with hair follicles. They secrete an oily semi-fluid
matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin.
Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc
An oil-secreting gland generally associated with a hair follicle.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sebaceous Sweat
See Sebum.

A fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press
The secretion of the sebaceous gland. Composed of lipids, which are fats, oils and waxes.

Second Level Detail (also see Level 2 Detail)
Ridge path, major ridge path deviations, and paths caused by damage such as scars.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

An alpha expression derived from the pattern type of the index fingers.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Secondary Ridges
Ridges on the bottom of the epidermis under the surface furrows.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press
The term ‘secondary ridge’ can be used to describe many different areas of the skin. It is not
important to discern whether one is right or wrong, just to understand the area that is being
referred to. How this term is used will also effect how the terms ‘primary ridges’ and ‘papillary
ridges’ are used.
1) Hale: Ridges at bottom of the epidermis that correspond to the surface furrows.
2) Surface ridges may be referred to as secondary ridges in the respect that the ridges at the
dermal-epidermal junction grow first, considered as primary ridges, and the surface ridges appear
later. It appears to be interpreted this way in the U.S. vs. Carlos Ivan Llera Plaza opinion dated
3) In “Bloom and Fawcett’s Concise Histology” primary ridges and secondary ridges refer to the
ridges of the dermis and the ridges in the epidermis that Hale refers to are considered epidermal

The medical profession defines a secretor as someone who secretes their blood type antigens
into their body fluids. When this happens the medical professionals can determine the blood type
of a person just by analyzing a body fluid, like saliva or semen. A non-secretor is a person who
does not secrete their blood type into their body fluids.
In the fingerprint discipline, the term ‘non-secretor’ has been used to describe a person who does
not sweat.

The proximal, medial, or distal section of the finger.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

As applied to statistical error rates: Sensitivity, known as the true positive rate, measures the
number of positive conclusions determined against the number of actual positive conclusions.
The mathematical equation is (the number of correct positives) divided by (the number of correct
positives plus the false negatives).
See Specificity.

Sequential Processing
Use of a series of development techniques in a specific order to maximize development of friction
ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

See Perceptual set.

Technique used to separate adhesive surfaces.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sharp, Vaughan Det. Sgt
Det. Sgt Vaughan Sharp (later promoted to Lieutenant) worked for the South African Criminal
Bureau, South African Police, Capetown, SA. In 1931 he developed a palm print classification
system to allow for manual searching of partial palm prints against a collection of known prints.
This method is described in his book “Palm Prints, Their Classification and Identification”, 1937.
Harold Cummins found the Sharp system to be the best and most practical method available
(1940). This system was used for over 70 years, until the SA Police Criminal Record Centre
became fully AFIS automated.
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Vol 31, Iss. 1, Art. 17, 1940.

Short Ridge
A single friction ridge beginning, traveling a short distance, and then ending.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Where a recurving ridge tends to turn.

Side Cone
A term popularized by Ron Smith to describe the delta in the interdigital area that is below the
little finger.

Significant Interaction
A communication between experts that could influence the conclusion or decision being made.
Silva, Dr. Rodolfo Xavier da
In November 1904, Dr. Xavier da Silva and a fingerprint expert of the Lisbon Anthropometric
Office (Posto Antropométrico de Lisboa), Leonel Pereira, had identified the corpse of a stranger
by his fingerprints. It seems to be the first corpse identification in Europe by this method. The first
in the world belonged to the Juan Vucetich in 1895.
Dactiloscopia, 1938

Silver Nitrate
Chemical used in the Physical Developer, Multimetal Deposition and Silver Nitrate processes.
Used alone, silver nitrate reacts with salt to develop friction ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0
Early documentation reveals that the silver nitrate process was developed in the 1910’s. In 1918,
the IAI Conference gave a presentation on this process. Different people were experimenting
with it but it’s development is historically credited to Dr. Erastus Mead Hudson. The silver nitrate
process became well known after Dr. Hudson recovered latent prints on a ladder used in the
Lindbergh kidnapping case (1932). In later years, Dr. Hudson did additional research with the
New York Police Department exploring other possible uses for the silver nitrate process, such as
recovering latent prints from cloth and gloves.
Finger Print and Identification Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 3, September 1935.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation has also taken credit for the development of silver nitrate.
They claim that it was first used in 1933 in the William Hamm kidnapping case (the president of
the Hamm Brewing Company).

Silver Plate Transfer Method
See Iodine-Silver Transfer Method.

Simas, Alexandre Duarte de Cabedo (Dec. 20, 1945-present)
Mr. Simas is one of the most well known fingerprint experts in Portugal. He began his career in
Criminalistics in 1981, specializing in fingerprints. During this time he took various courses such
as “Teaching Techniques”, “Crime Scene Photography”, “AFIS”, and “Biological Criminalistic”.
After working for several years as Bureau’s Chief in Sector de Identificação Judiciária, he became
Professor of Criminalistics and Investigation for all courses at ISPJCC (Instituto Superior de
Polícia Judiciária e Ciências Criminais), the equivalent to the FBI’s Quantico.
Alexandre Simas has accumulated a long list of police agencies he has been responsible for
training. He was the professor and training supervisor to the criminal police of São Tomé e
Príncipe, Cape Verde Islands, and in charge of investigation courses for the rural and suburban
police. Invited professor in after-graduation in “Criminal Sciences” in Universidade Internacional
in Figueira da Foz, Professor in after-graduation in “Criminal Sciences” in “Universidade
Moderna” and “Faculdade de Ciências do Sul”, as well as supervisor of fingerprint courses in
Polícia de Segurança Pública. Mr. Simas has also lectured in several attorney and judges
Besides his teaching credentials, Mr. Simas is also an AFIS computer specialist. He was a
technical assessor for installation and assembly of the Fingerprint Bureau of Cabo Verde and São
Tomé e Príncipe criminal police.
He is recognized as being a mass disaster specialist and was instrumental in the identification of
144 corpses in an aerial disaster in the Santa Maria Island, Azores with an American Boeing 707,
in 1989.
Alexandre Simas was a member of the Prevention Local Group in EXPO98 in Lisbon, participated
in “100 years of fingerprints in Scotland Yard”, in London, UK, participant in “Motorolla-Printrak
Users Conference”, in Los Angeles, USA, and was the representative of Polícia Judiciária in the
“First International Conference and Exhibition on Forensic Human Identifications” in London.
Mr. Simas has authored the books “A identificação de A a Z” and “A Identificação em Grandes
Catástrofes”. He has also co-authored and collaborator on several others technical books.
Alexandre Simas has significantly contributed to the science of friction ridge identification and is
recognized as one of the leading experts in his field.

Simian Crease
Single crease that crosses the palm in a place of the distal and proximal creases.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Simultaneous Court Cases (not a complete list)
Commonwealth (of Massachusetts) v. Terry L. Patterson (1995)
Commonwealth (of Massachusetts) v. Terry L. Patterson (2005 – Massachusetts Supreme
Judicial Court ruling)

Simultaneous Flat Impressions
The term for the intentional recording of the four fingers taken simultaneously to establish the
correct order of the individual fingers.
Also informally known as Flats or Slaps.

Simultaneous Impression
Friction ridge impressions are simultaneous if they are deposited with one touch to the item.
Individual segments of a simultaneous impression may not have sufficient value to arrive at a
conclusion of identity on their own but may have sufficient value to arrive at a conclusion of
identity in the aggregate (using all the information in the simultaneous impression). There is no
scientific basis requiring that each segment of a simultaneous impression have sufficient value to
arrive at a conclusion of identity individually.
Two or more friction ridge impressions from the same hand or foot deposited concurrently.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Simultaneous Impression, factors of:
Impressions are said to be simultaneous if sufficient factors are present. These factors can
include: orientation (direction), spatial relationship (spacing and position), anatomical area,
anatomical size, anatomical features (such as ridge width, flow, and creases), characteristics of
the developmental medium, distortion (lateral and direct pressure, length of smearing, direction of
smearing, curvature of smearing, and consistencies in ridge widths). Some impressions may
easily be determined to have been left simultaneously because there is attachment of the ridges
(a thenar and a hypothenar may have been left simultaneously and this is known because no
space is present between the sections). Level 2 or Level 3 details are not factors in determining

The outer covering of the body consisting of the dermis and epidermis.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Skin Layers
The two main layers of the skin are the epidermis and dermis.
The epidermis consists of 5 layers (starting from the outer most layer):
Stratum Corneum (Horny Layer)
Stratum Lucidum (Clear Layer)
Stratum Granulosum (Granular Layer)
Stratum Spinosum (Prickly Layer)
Stratum Germinativum (Basal Layer or Malpighian Layer)
The dermis consists of 2 layers (starting closest to the epidermis):
Papillary Layer
Reticular Layer

The informal term for the intentional recording of the four fingers taken simultaneously to
establish the correct order of the individual fingers.
Aka Flats or Simultaneous Flat Impressions.

Sliding Heuristic Practice
As quality declines, a greater quantity of features is needed for the print to be considered “of
value” for identification.
Review of the Scientific Basis for Friction Ridge Comparisons as a Means of Identification:
Committee Findings and Recommendations. FBI Forensic Science Communications, January
2006 – Volume 8 – Number 1

Small Detail Axiom
“The smaller the detail found…progressively in agreement during comparison, the more
individualizing power it has”.
As stated by David R. Ashbaugh in United States of America vs. Byron C. Mitchell.

Small Particle Reagent

A gene, discovered in August 2011, responsible for the rare condition known as adermatoglyphia.
This condition effects the embryonic development of friction skin. Researchers from the Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center in Israel discovered that a mutated (shortened) form of the gene exists
in people with this condition.

Smith, David W. MD
Wrote “The Genesis of Dermatoglyphics” with Mulvihill, John J. MD for the Journal of Pediatrics,
Oct. 1969 issue. It is said to be on of the most thorough discussions of fingerprint formation.
Their findings were:
6-8 weeks after conception volar pads form
10-12 weeks volar pads begin to recede
13th week skin ridges begin to appear
21st week after conception fingerprint patters are complete
http://www.handanalysis.net/library/derm_history.htm 02-27-03

Smith, Edgar Ronald ‘Ron’ (August 7, 1954 – November 11, 2023)
In 2001, Ron Smith retired as the Associate Director of the Mississippi Crime Laboratory and
established and directs “Ron Smith & Associates, Inc.”. This company provides technical training
to forensic specialists and criminal investigation. Mr. Smith is most well known for his educational
seminars “Demystifying Palm Prints” and “Courtroom Testimony Techniques-Success instead of
Survival”. Through these seminars, his lectures and his international consulting he has
established himself as an instrumental and essential part of the forensic science field. Ron
Smith’s research and contributions regarding palm print analysis have provided examiners
worldwide with the fundamental tools needed for latent palm print recognition. In 2001, he
received recognition for his numerous accomplishments when the IAI presented him with the
John A. Dondero award, the IAI’s highest honor. According to the IAI website, he is the 17th
person to ever receive this award.

Snow Cones
A term popularized by Ron Smith to describe the middle deltas in the interdigital area.

Sodium Acetate
Chemical used in the preparation of reagents.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sodium Bicarbonate
Chemical used in the preparation of reagents.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sodium Chloride
One of the inorganic components of perspiration or eccrine sweat. Salt.

Sodium Hypochlorite (Household Bleach)
Solution used to clear ninhydrin stains and to darken the silver deposits of Physical Developer.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

The item, area or person from which something else originated. The source of a fingerprint may
be from another item, an area of friction skin or the person that deposited the print.
An area of friction ridge skin from an individual from which an impression originated.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Source Identification
A term coined by OSAC in 2015 to differentiate between an identification as being a fact
versus an opinion.
A term coined by OSAC in 2015 to differentiate between categorizing an item into a group or class,
as opposed to originating from a specific item or person (e.g., identifying a print as a whorl
versus identifying a print as originating from a particular person).

The Spa Murders © (State of Florida v. Stephen William Beattie (1978))
The spa murders occurred on July 23, 1978 in North Miami Beach, Florida. This case was the
first case on record where a latent fingerprint developed from a homicide victim’s skin was
identified with an offender and introduced as evidence in court.
Three victims (1 male and 2 females) were found shot to death in the World of Health Spas. One
of the victims, a young female, was found nude, posed and her clothing strewn about. It
appeared as though she may have been sexually assaulted. She was processed for latent print
evidence with black magnetic powder and three prints were developed on the left ankle area.
One of the prints was determined to be identifiable and was identified to the subject. The other
two victims were also processed for latent print evidence with KromeKote ® cards, yielding
negative results.
There are many misconceptions connected with this case, which have perpetuated over the
years, resulting in urban legend. One is that the print was deposited on the surface of the victim’s
skin with suntan lotion or oil. This is unsubstantiated and unfounded but has contributed to over
embellished statements that all prints recovered from human skin have been in the state of
Florida and are due to suntan oil.
The causative factor of the print is irrelevant and was definitely not sun tan oil. The fact was that
a latent print was developed and recovered from the surface of the skin of a murder victim and
was subsequently accepted in court as evidence.
On January 31, 1979, Stephen William Beattie was found guilty of three counts of 1st degree
murder. On February 1, 1979 he was sentenced to three consecutive death sentences. Beattie
committed suicide within three years of his sentence in prison while awaiting execution. He
maintained his innocence even to the end.
By William C. Sampson and Karen L. Sampson

Sparks from the Anvil
Sparks from the Anvil was the second periodical of the IAI and was published from 1933-1937.

Specific Pattern
Pattern or path of the friction ridges used during identification; second level detail.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

1) The subjective weight of a feature depending on its rarity in a given location, i.e. how specific
the feature is.
2) As applied to statistical error rates: Specificity, known as the true negative rate, measures the
number of negative conclusions determined against the number of actual negative conclusions.
The mathematical equation is (the number of correct negatives) divided by (the number of correct
negatives plus the false positives).
See Sensitivity.

Spinous Layer of Epidermis
See Stratum Spinosum.

Split Thumb
Thumb that has conjoined distal phalanges.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sprue Marks
Marks that are made when casting metals or plastics. These marks can resemble friction ridge
detail by replication ridges with bifurcations and ending ridges. These marks typically appear with
a wavy motion and have no signs of pores or ridge edges. These marks have been called
extrusion marks and/or false ridge detail.

A bifurcation with one short friction ridge branching off a longer friction ridge.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Resembling a scale or scales; thin and flat like a scale.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

A segment of a simultaneous impression that has sufficient value to arrive at a conclusion of
identity directly from the information within this segment.
A segment of a simultaneous impression that has sufficient information to arrive at a conclusion
of individualization independent of other impressions within the aggregate.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

1. Acceptable by the majority as what is usual or common.
2. Required by an authoritative source as the minimum requirements of what is necessary; a
criteria (e.g., certification requirements).
3. Recommended as a best practice (e.g., SWGFAST standards).

Standard (ANSI/NIST-ITL)
See ANSI/NIST-ITL Standard.

Standard of Sufficiency for Conclusions
When a quantifiable criteria cannot be established, the general scientific standard is to have
enough evidence and justification to eliminate doubt in others. Some people refer to this as
general consensus conclusions or conclusions that will stand up to scrutiny or stand the test of
time. General consensus conclusions are achieved by corroboration and not by a democratic
Aka Criteria of Sufficiency for Conclusions.

Another term for known prints or exemplars.

A term popularized by Ron Smith to describe the crease pattern in the top radial side of the
thenar. These creases originate from the same area and then explode in different directions.

Starrs, Dr. James (July 30, 1930-June 26, 2021)
A fingerprint critic. A professor of law and forensic science at George Washington University.
Predicted the fall of fingerprints in 1996.

State of Florida v. Stephen William Beattie (1978)
The first case on record where a latent print was developed on a homicide victim’s skin, identified
to a suspect, and introduced as evidence in court.
See The Spa Murders ©.

State of Florida v. Victor Reyes (2003)
This was the 4th trial in the United States that considered the evidentiary value of computer
enhancement with regard to latent evidence. In 1996, Victor Reyes was charged with a Broward
County murder. Originally latent prints on some tape were analyzed as having no value, but in
1999 the latent images were reanalyzed by forensic analyst David Knoerlein using a computer
enhancement technique known as ‘dodge and burn’, and identified as prints left by Victor Reyes.
The State of Florida found that computer enhanced images did meet the Frye test and the latents
were admitted as evidence in the trial. Reyes was acquitted at trial. The jury felt that the latent
prints did not prove that Reyes committed the murder. The significance of this case was that
defense attorneys realized the importance of challenging digitally generated evidence.

State of Illinois v. Jennings (1910)
Aka People v. Jennings.
See Jennings. See Jennings, Thomas.

State of Maryland v. Bryan Rose (2007)
The second case to fail a fingerprint Challenge based on the reliability of the conclusion. Bryan
(Brian) Rose was the suspect in a homicide case. Stephan Meagher testified for the prosecution
and Ralph Haber testified for the defense. On Oct 19, 2007, Judge Souder published her
decision, “…In conclusion, the proof presented by the State in this case regarding the ACE-V
methodology of latent fingerprint identification showed that it was more likely so, than not so, that
ACE-V was the type of procedure Frye was intended to banish, that is, a subjective, untested,
unverifiable identification procedure that purports to be infallible. After impartial scientific testing,
the establishment of an error rate and of objective criteria which when applied, are documented
and can be verified, it may be that latent print identification opinion testimony as offered in this
capital case will qualify for admission under Frye-Reed. The State did not meet that burden in
this case and, consequently, shall not offer testimony that any latent fingerprint in this case is that
of the Defendant. In this case, the State did not show by a preponderance of evidence that a
fingerprint examiner can reliably identify a fingerprint to an individual to the exclusion of all others
using the ACE-V method.”
In Oct. 2007, the prosecution filed a motion for reconsideration. It was denied on Feb. 21, 2008.
On April 1, 2008, a federal grand jury indicted Rose on murder charges hoping that this would
allow the fingerprint evidence into a trial. On Sept. 8, 2009, Judge Catherine Blake rendered her
decision that the fingerprint evidence was admissible under the requirements set forth by the
Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals and by Kumho Tire Co., Ltd. v.
Carmichael. On Jan. 11, 2010, Bryan Rose accepted a plea deal.

State of Massachusetts v. Patterson (2005)
In 1995 Terry Patterson was found guilty of a 1993 armed robbery and the 1993 homicide of Det.
John Milligan. In 2000, based on inefficient counsel, Patterson won an appeal to have new trail.
Prior to the new trial, the defense asked for a Daubert Hearing regarding the use of simultaneous
On Dec. 27, 2005, in Commonwealth (of Massachusetts) v. Terry L. Patterson, the
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court determined “Consistent with the decisions of other courts
that have considered the issue since Daubert, we conclude that the underlying theory and
process of latent fingerprint identification, and the ACE-V method in particular, are sufficiently
reliable to admit expert opinion testimony regarding the matching of a latent impression with a full
fingerprint. In this case, however, the Commonwealth needed to establish more than the general
reliability of latent fingerprint identification. It needed to establish that the theory, process, and
method of latent fingerprint identification could be applied reliably to simultaneous impressions
not capable of being individually matched to any of the fingers that supposedly made them. On
the record before the judge below, the Commonwealth failed to meet its burden.”
The prosecution offered Patterson a plea agreement of pleading guilty to a lesser charge with
time served instead of risking a new trial and the potential longer sentence. Patterson took the
plea agreement.

State of Michigan v. Les (1934)
In People v. Les, (255 NW 407) the defendant’s palm print was recovered from the windowsill at
the point of entry of a breaking and entering scene. Before trial, the defendant contended that
palm prints were not sufficient to sustain a conviction. The court ruled that the evidence was
insufficient to hold the defendant for trial, quashed the information, and ordered the discharge of
the defendant. The Government appealed that the trial court was in error in their ruling regarding
the palm print evidence, and the Supreme Court of Michigan (1934) agreed that fingerprints and
palm prints are both “considered physical characteristics” and therefore were “sufficient evidence
to go to trial.” The trial judge was directed to reinstate the information.
http://www.clpex.com/Articles/TheDetail/TheDetail82.htm 10-20-2004

State of Nevada v. Kuhl (1918)
State vs. Kuhl was a significant court case regarding palm prints identifications. This case was
an appeal for a conviction of a 1916 murder. It looked at 1) Was the court in error in allowing
experts in fingerprint identification to testify as experts in palm print identification, 2) Was the
court in error in admitting photographic enlargements of palm prints, 3) Was the court in error in
allowing the use of a projectoscope, 4) Was the court in error in admitting photographs of palm
prints where the experts drew lines upon them, and 5) Was the court in error in permitting the
expert witness to make a positive statement as to the identity of the palm impressions. The
Supreme Court of Nevada (1918) held “NO” on all counts.

State of New Hampshire v. Richard Langill (2007)
The first case to fail a Daubert Challenge based on the reliability of the conclusion. Richard
Langill was suspected of burglary. Lisa Corson was the examiner in this case and Prof. James
Starrs testified for the defense. On Jan.19, 2007, Judge Coffey granted a motion to exclude the
fingerprint evidence stating, “Ms. Corson is qualified through training, experience, and proficiency
testing to provide expert testimony at the defendant’s trial. However, Ms. Corson’s proffered
testimony is inadmissible under Rule 702 because her application of the ACE-V (Analysis,
Comparison, Evaluation, and Verification) methodology to the single latent print in this case was
unreliable as a result of incomplete documentation and possibly biased verification.”
Contemporaneous documentation was required in the NHDSFL Standard Operating Procedures
for ‘examinations’ but not performed in this case. This was most likely because an ‘examination’
was considered to be the physical processing for latent prints and not considered a part of the
ACE-V analytical process. Blind verification was not a procedure of the NHDSFL and therefore
not performed in this case. However, during the Daubert hearing the examiner testified that Blind
Verification was ideal but not practical.
A motion to reconsider was entered and on April 11, 2007. Judge Coffey ruled that there was
“insufficient information to support a finding that the application of the ACE-V methodology to the
single latent print in this case was reliable.” Judge Coffey affirmed her original decision.
On Feb 13, 2008, this was argued before the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. On April 4,
2008, the court issued its opinion to reverse and remand. Langill was found guilty during the trial.
On Nov. 30, 2010, The Supreme Court of New Hampshire reversed and remanded the conviction
due to hearsay testimony. The examiner was asked to testify to the verification as stated in the
report. The government argued that this could be testified to because it was a business record
and not hearsay testimony. The Supreme Court of New Hampshire disagreed.

State of New York v. Crispi (1911)
Aka People v. Crispi. Charles Crispi, aka Cesare J. Cella, was the defendant in this case, which
is noted as being the first case that fingerprint evidence was the sole evidence. Fingerprint
expert Joseph Faurot testified to the identification process. After hearing Faurot’s testimony,
Crispi pled guilty. The judge asked Crispi for a full confession, ensuring him that no additional
charges would be filed. The judge wanted to ensure that the scientific evidence that was testified
to was indeed correct.

State of New York v. Kent (1968)
Aka People v. Kent. Perhaps the first trial that a defense expert testified that although the
identification had 12 (some articles say 14) points of similarity, the prints were not identical.
Richard Stanley Kent was charged with murdering Joseph Murphy, a retired New York City
Policeman. The key evidence against Kent, a latent print on a bed board, seemed to be
irrefutable. William J. Ciolko, Dutchess County Public Defender, hired Dr. Vassilis C.
Morfopoulos, director of the American Standards Testing Bureau, to look at the identification. Dr.
Morfopoulos analyzed the identification using a 25x microscope. He testified that he found 3
differences, “One distinct and crucial difference destroys the validity of an identification”, he said.
Richard Kent was found not guilty of the murder. In 1970, the FBI and the IAI refuted Dr.
Morfopoulos’s analysis and sided with Wilfred Holick, the original examiner in this case. The
defense attorney and the defense expert gave a presentation of this case at the 55th IAI
There were two significant points to this case. This was the first time ‘the prints are not identical’
was used in court as a defense strategy, and the defense claimed that this case broke down the
apparent ironclad status of fingerprints.

State of North Carolina v. Juan Foronte McPhaul (2017)
In 2012, Juan Foronte McPhaul was convicted of assault with intent to rob.
“Pursuant to Rule 702(a)(3), this testimony is insufficient. To satisfy Rule 702’s three-pronged reliability
test, an expert witness must be able to explain not only the abstract methodology underlying the
witness’s opinion, but also that the witness reliably applied that methodology to the facts of the case.
Wood previously testified that during an examination, she compares the pattern type and minutia
points of the latent print and known impressions until she is satisfied that there are “sufficient
characteristics and sequence of the similarities” to conclude that the prints match. However, Wood
provided no such detail in testifying how she arrived at her actual conclusions in this case. Without
further explanation for her conclusions, Wood implicitly asked the jury to accept her expert opinion
that the prints matched. Since Wood failed to demonstrate that she “applied the principles and
methods reliably to the facts of the case,” as required by Rule 702(a)(3), we hold that the trial court
abused its discretion by admitting this testimony.”
The Court of Appeals did not reverse McPhaul’s conviction, holding the error to be harmless (i.e., there
was sufficient other evidence for a jury to find him guilty).
On Sept. 21, 2018, The Supreme Court of North Carolina decided “Discretionary review improvidently
allowed” (an appeal was not warranted).

State of Ohio v. Betts (1917)
The Betts case may have been the first conviction based solely on palm print evidence. In 1917,
Samual W. Betts was arrested and charged with burglary based on the fact that his palm print
was found on a windowpane. George Koestle (one of Ferrier’s students) was the person who
took and compared the palm prints.
‘Fingerprint and Identification Magazine’, Dec 1942.
Another palm print case that happened around the same time, and also said to be the first palm
print case to have a conviction, was a murder trial in Nevada. The defendant was Ben Kuhl.

State of Ohio v. Hartman (or Hartmann) (1998)
The 3rd court case in the United States ruling on the computer enhancement of fingerprint
images. In 1997, Brett X. Hartman was charged with murdering Winda Snipes by stabbing her
138 times, slitting her throat, and cutting off her hands. Due to numerous pieces of evidence,
including latent print images on a chair and a bedspread, a jury found Hartman guilty of murder
and kidnapping, sentenced him to death. In 2001, Hartman appealed his conviction stating 13
different challenges. The challenges dealing with the latent prints were 1) the admission of
digitally enhanced fingerprint evidence, their reliability and the qualifications of the state’s
fingerprint expert, Patrick Warrick, to testify regarding such evidence and 2) the court failed to
make a threshold determination concerning Patrick Warrick’s qualifications stating that “It was
error for the trial court to admit the opinion of witnesses who had not first been qualified as an
expert”. The court ruled that “the use of the computer in this instance is no different than ***would
be the use of an overhead projector, microscope, a magnifying glass or anything else like that
that would enhance an experts ability to make his determination…”. It was ruled that since
Warrick had used computer enhancement for approx. a year and a half this was not blazing new
ground, Warrick’s testimony was appropriate. The court also determined that although Warrick
was not formally tendered as an expert witness, the defense did not challenge Warrick’s
qualifications and the court determined him to be qualified to identify defendants fingerprint on
Snipes’s bedspread. On Oct. 3, 2001, the appellate court affirmed Hartman’s conviction.
http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=oh&vol=981475&invol=1 08-02-2004
Brett Hartman was put to death by means of lethal injection on Nov. 13, 2012.

State of Virginia v. Robert Douglas Knight (1991)
The first (case to establish a precedence for the acceptance of digitally enhanced evidence in
American criminal proceedings) is Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Robert Douglas Knight. This
1991 murder case (murder was March of 1990, trial was in 1991) involved the enhancement of a
bloody fingerprint found on a pillowcase at the crime scene. A company called Hunter Graphics
(no longer in business) was contacted by the Henrico County Police Department to assist in the
enhancement process. Experts from Hunter Graphics used a frequency filter known commonly as
a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to subtract the fabric pattern that interfered with the identification
of the fingerprint. The fingerprint was subsequently identified as belonging to Robert Knight. After
being charged with the crime, Knight’s attorney moved for a Kelly-Frye Hearing to determine the
scientific validity and acceptance of the enhancement process. The determination of the court
was that the techniques used were essentially photographic processes. Robert Knight plead
guilty and was sentenced to four life terms.
http://www.more-hits.com/forensics/dl/AboutForensicDigitalImaging.pdf 01-25-2005

State of Washington v. Eric Hayden (1998)
The 2nd court case in the United States ruling on the computer enhancement of fingerprint
images. In 1995, Eric Hayden was charged with murdering a 27-year-old female. Her body was
found with a bloody sheet wrapped around her head and neck. The examiner in this case, Dan
Holshue, found latent prints on the sheet but they were too subtle to identify. Erik Berg, an expert
in enhanced digital imaging, used enhancement techniques to filter out the background pattern
and colors of the sheet. After enhancement, the latent prints were identified and Eric Hayden
was found guilty of murder. His murder conviction was upheld on appeal and the court concluded
that computer enhancement did meet the Frye test, setting new case law in this field.

Statistical Analysis of Error Rates
See Error Rate Studies.

Statistical Models on Fingerprint Individuality, etc.
Galton (1892)
Henry (1900)
Balthazard (1911)
Bose (1917)
Wentworth / Wilder (1918)
Pearson (1930)
Roxburgh (1933)
Cummins / Midlo (1943)
Amy (1946-48)
Trauring (1963)
Kingston / Kirk (1964)
Gupta (1968)
Osterburg (1977-80)
Stoney (1985)
Champod (1995-96)
FBI / Lockheed-Martin 50k x 50k study (1999)
Pankanti / Prabhakar / Jain (2001)
Neumann / Champod Likelihood Ratios (2007) (see PBFE)
Egli (2009) (see Xena)
Swofford (pre-2015) (see DFIQI)
Swofford (2015) (see FPStat)

Steegers, Juan (AKA Steegers y Pereira or Steegers y Perera)(1856-1921)
Juan Steegers was a cuban civil servant honored by his government as a fingerprint pioneer.
“Fingerprint Techniques” Andre A. Moenssens, 1971 pg 26.

Sticky Side Powder ™
Product used to develop friction ridge detail on adhesive surfaces and/or tapes.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Stimac, Jon T. (1966-present)
Jon Stimac began his career in forensics after earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in
Criminalistics/Criminal Justice from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. Immediately after
graduation, he began employment with Salt Lake City Police Department’s Crime Laboratory.
In 1996, Jon left Salt Lake City to continue his career with the Oregon State Police Forensic
Services Division. Since then, he has acted as a latent print examiner, temporary lab director,
forensic scientist, and as the technical leader for the latent print discipline.
Jon supplemented early research on the 3M® solvent HFE-7100 and introduced to the forensic
community the use of Un-du® as an alternative adhesive separator. For the development of
latent print impressions on specialty papers (thermal and carbonless), he introduced a specialized
ninhydrin formulation and the use of 1,2-Indanedione. Jon has published several technical articles
covering these and other topics within international forensic identification journals, including the
Journal of Forensic Identification. In addition, he has compiled and published a monthly
newsletter on friction ridge individualization, FP Stuff, since 2001. In Feb. 2008, Jon Stimac
became the editor of the IAI’s Identification News.
In 2000, Jon became a member of the FBI sponsored Scientific Working Group on Friction Skin
Analysis, Study and Technology (SWGFAST). He is also active within several regional and
international forensic identification organizations.

Stock Solution
Concentrated solution diluted to prepare a working solution.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Stoney, Dr. David
A mild fingerprint critic. Directs the McCrone Research Institute in Chicago, PhD Forensic
Science. Noted as being the person to state that conclusions of absolute certainty are based on
a leap of faith.

A journal edited by John Berry (Hertfordshire) from 1979 dealing with the appearance of the basic
seven ridge characteristics occurring throughout nature, the total at the end of 2004 being 1,556.
Originally published under the title RIDGE DETAIL IN NATURE until 1998, this reference should
be used for further information.

Stratify (Stratification)
Arranged in a sequence of grades or ranks.
WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

Stratton Brothers (Alfred and Albert)
The Stratton brothers made legal history in May 1905 when fingerprint evidence was used
against them in a British Court to convict them of murdering Thomas and Ann Furrow. Dr. Henry
Faulds sided with the defense in this case due to a bitter controversy over Faulds contribution to
the science of fingerprints.

Stratum Basale (Basal Layer)
The inner layer of epidermis that contains melanocyte cells, Merkel cells and keratinocyte cells.
The layer of the epidermis where new keratinocytes are formed.
Known as the germinative or generating layer.
See Stratum Germinativum.

Stratum Corneum
The outermost layer of the epidermis consisting of cells that are dead and desquamating. Also
referred to as the horny layer.

Stratum Germinativum
The stratum basale and the stratum spinosum considered as a single layer of epidermis. The
term is sometimes used to designate only the stratum basale. Also referred to as the germinative
layer, malpighian layer or rete, mucous layer, and s. malpighii.

Stratum Granulosum
The granular layer of epidermis: the layer between the stratum lucidum and the stratum

Stratum Lucidum
This is an electronlucent skin layer between the stratum granulosum and stratum corneum in
palmoplantar skin. Predominant in thick skin. Also called the Hyalin.

Stratum Malpighii
See Stratum Germinativum.

Stratum Mucosum
See Stratum Germinativum.

Stratum Spinosum
The spinous layer of epidermis: the layer of the skin between the stratum granulosum and the
stratum basale characterized by the presence of prickle cells. Called also prickle cell layer.
Protein synthesis happens in this layer of the epidermis, producing keratin.

Beneath or introduced beneath the skin.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Proceeding from or taking place in a person’s mind rather than the external world: a subjective
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=subjective 02-27-03
Influenced by a person’s knowledge, state of mind, or ability.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Subjective Probability
The user defines the probability of an event happening based on their personal judgment. This is
useful when quantifiable data not be established (the probability of getting an A in a class).
See Classical Probability and Empirical Probability.

An alpha expression derived from the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Subsidiary Ridge
A friction ridge not fully developed. A subsidiary ridge may appear thinner than fully developed
Also known as an incipient ridge, a nascent ridge or a rudimentary ridge.

The surface upon which a latent fingerprint is deposited or placed.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press
The surface upon which a friction ridge impression is deposited.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Sudan Black
Black dye that stains fats, oils, sebaceous components, and contaminants of friction ridge
residue; can enhance cyanoacrylate fumed friction ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0
A black dye used to visualize friction ridge detail. Can be alone or in conjunction with the
cyanoacrylate process. Works best on waxy or greasy surfaces.

The product of the quality and quantity of the objective data under observation (e.g., friction ridge,
crease, and scar features).
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0
See Sufficient.

Sufficiency for a Conclusion
See Criteria for Sufficiency for a Conclusion, or Standard for Sufficiency for a Conclusion.

Enough or an adequate for a specific function or task (e.g. to do a comparison, to test a
conclusion, to arrive at a conclusion, to justify a conclusion, to perform an AFIS search, to
eliminate doubt by others). This could be a conclusion of value or a conclusion of identity.
The determination that there is sufficiency in a comparison to reach a conclusion at the evaluation
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Sufficient Recurve
The space between the shoulders of a loop, free of any appendages that abut upon the recurve
at a right angle on the outside.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Suicide Ridges
A term popularized by Ron Smith to describe the ridge pattern on the underside of the distal
transverse crease. Many times these ridges are found to be a series of vertically terminating

The determination that there is sufficiency in an impression to be of value for further analysis or
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Sulcus (plural: sulci)
A deep, narrow furrow or groove, as in an organ or tissue.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved

5-Sulfosalicylic Acid
Chemical used in fixative solutions for a variety of blood enhancement reagents.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

See Cyanoacrylate Ester.

SuperGlue Girl
For the 2006 California State Science Fair, 13 year old Avery L. Smith tried to add different
coloring agents to superglue to enhance the visibility. She found that the ink from a pink
highlighter produced the best results. Subsequent to the Science Fair, Miss Smith presented her
conclusions at the 2007 IAI Conference in San Diego, California and became known as
SuperGlue Girl. Her research was subsequently published in Forensic Magazine and Jan 2007
issue of The Print.
See Colored Superglue.

Superior Region
One of the 3 main areas of the palm. The area immediately below the fingers. In many countries
this area is known as the interdigital area but in some countries, such as Portugal, this is called
the superior region.

Supreme Court of Canada, Her Majesty The Queen v. Chikmaglur Mohan (1994)
(R. v. Mohan)

On appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from the Ontario Court of Appeal, a decision on the
admissibility of expert evidence and the nature of expert evidence and how it pertains to
disposition. A Canadian decision similar to the American Daubert Hearings, the Mohan decision
has set the parameters and application for the admission of expert in Canada.
Admission of expert evidence depends on the application of the following criteria:
a) Relevance
b) Necessity in assisting the trier of fact (judge or jury)
c) The absence of exclusionary rule
d) Must be by a properly qualified expert
In R. v. Mohan, four counts of sexual assault on female patients ages 13-16 were laid against a
practicing paediatrician. His counsel indicated that he intended to call a psychiatrist who would
testify that the perpetrator of the alleged offences would be part of a limited and unusual group of
individuals and that the accused did not fall within that narrow class because he did not possess
the characteristics of the group (profile) however the evidence was ruled inadmissible.
The original conviction was stayed by the Court of Appeals and opened a new hearing. At issue
was the determination of the circumstances in which expert evidence is admissible to show that
the character traits of an accused person do not fit the psychological profile of the putative
perpetrator of the offences charged. The resolution of the issue involved the examination of the
rules relating to (i) expert evidence, and (ii) character evidence.
In summary, expert evidence which advances a novel scientific theory or technique is subjected
to special scrutiny to determine whether it meets a basic threshold of reliability and whether it is
essential in the sense that the trier of fact will be unable to come to a satisfactory conclusion
without the assistance of the expert.
The Supreme Court allowed the appeal but decided that the evidence should be excluded as
nothing in the court record supported a finding that the profile of a paedophile or psychopath (as
alleged by the psychologist) has been standardized to the extent that it could be said that it
matched the supposed profile of the offender depicted in the charges. The expert’s group profiles
were not seen as sufficiently reliable to be considered helpful.
http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/1994/1994canlii80/1994canlii80.pdf 8-1-2009
Courtesy of Cst. Jonathan BALTZER and Sgt. Tim Walker, RCMP

Supreme Court of The United States, Bullcoming v. New Mexico (2011)
An extension of the US Supreme Court decision in Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts (2009). The
Bullcoming decision clarifies that the person testifying to a conclusion must have conducted the

Supreme Court of the United States, Crawford v. Washington (2004)
The US Supreme Court Decision which states that under Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause
“the accused shall enjoy the right … to be confronted with the witnesses against him.” An
exception is allowed for business records. The US Supreme Court decision of Melendez-Diaz v.
Massachusetts (2009) extended the Crawford ruling to indicate that forensic reports are not
considered business records. Bullcoming v. New Mexico (2011) clarifies this further by stating
that a person who conducted the comparison must testify to the conclusions in the report.

Supreme Court of the United States, Jason Smith v. Arizona (2024)
An extension of the Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause that determined when testimony is
considered substitute testimony/hearsay versus an independent analysis. The court determined
that testifying that procedures were performed accurately by reading a report is hearsay because
it is testifying to a truth and may compromise a defendant’s right of confrontation.

Supreme Court of the United States, Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts (2009)
The US Supreme Court decision that determined that forensic reports were not considered
business records and therefore subject to confrontation (forensic practitioners must make
themselves available to court testimony if asked).

Surface-active substance; detergent.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Sweat Glands
Both the eccrine and the apocrine glands are considered as sweat glands, as opposed to the
sebaceous gland which is an oil gland.

End to end fusion of the phalanges of the fingers or toes.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0
Another opinion: Synonymous with syndactyly and webbed fingers or toes.
The International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition, World Health Organization.
http://www.nber.org/mortality/1995/docs/ch14.txt 06-18-2003

Refers to webbed fingers. Side-to-side fusion of digits.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0
Fusion of the fingers or toes. This may occur with or without fusion of the bone. Synonymous
with symphalangy or webbed fingers or toes.
The International Classification of Diseases, 9th edition, World Health Organization.
http://www.nber.org/mortality/1995/docs/ch14.txt 06-18-2003

Chemical used in the preparation of the detergent solution in Physical Developer.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0