Babler, Dr. William Joseph (May 24, 1949-present)
Dr. Babler is recognized as the foremost authority in the structure and formation of friction skin.
He is an Associate Professor of Oral Biology teaching human anatomy and embryology at
Indiana University School of Dentistry. In addition, he served as the President of the American
Dermatoglyphics Association, where he received their Distinguished Service Award in 2003. Dr.
Babler has spent over 20 years researching the prenatal development of friction skin, writing
numerous articles explaining his findings. He has confirmed many scientific theories about
friction ridge formation as well as developed new theories. He has established that the patterns
on the fingers are a result of the shape of the volar pads when the friction skin begins to develop;
high volar pads create whorls while low volar pads create arches. This was presumed by
Mulvihill and Smith but Dr. Babler did the research that confirmed their hypotheses. Dr. Babler
was also recognized as a leading expert in the Daubert Hearings.
Besides the significant contributions he has made in the scientific arena, Dr. Babler has also
demonstrated himself to be a profound teacher. He has spent countless time educating forensic
examiners and has continually made himself available as an educational resource.

Ball Area
The large cushion area below the base of the big toe.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Balthazard, Dr. Victor (1872-1950)
A Professor of Forensic Medicine at Sorbonne. Balthazard is credited for his statistical model of
fingerprint individuality, published in 1911. His model was very simplistic and ignored relevant
information but was the foundation for others to develop improved statistical models.
Balthazard’s work was the basis for Locard’s Tripartite Rule.

Basal Layer of Epidermis
See Stratum Basale.

Basement Membrane
A thin, delicate layer of connective tissue underlying the epithelium of many organs. Also called
basement lamina.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved
A membrane separating the dermis from the epidermis. The basement membrane consists of an
upper layer, (lamina lucida) and a lower layer (lamina densa).
Professor Julian Verbov 2011

Basic Fuschin
Fluorescent dye used with selected wavelengths of light to visualize cyanoacrylate ester fumed
friction ridge detail. See Rosaniline chloride.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Basic Red 28
Fluorescent red dye used with selected wavelengths of light to visualize cyanoacrylate ester
fumed friction ridge detail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Basic Yellow 40
Fluorescent yellow dye used with selected wavelengths of light to visualize cyanoacrylate ester
fumed friction ridge detail. See Panacryl Brilliant Flavone 10GFF. See Maxilon Flavone 10GFF.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Battley Classification System
A classification system for single fingerprints used in the 1930’s.

Bayes, Rev. Thomas (1702-1761)
A British mathematician and Presbyterian minister, known for having formulated Bayes’ theorem.
Bayes Theorem was first introduced in “An Essay Towards Solving a Problem in the Doctrine of
Chances” published in 1763.

Bayes Theorem
A mathematical approach to solving logic problem by looking at the probability of an event
happening given that some other event has already occurred. This approach optimizes the
probability by modeling the sample space after the realistic instead of after the entirety.

Bayle, Allan J. (Oct. 11, 1950-present)
Allan Bayle served with the Metropolitan Police Service for 25 years at New Scotland Yard as a
Fingerprint Officer and later was regraded as an Identification Officer. This new grade
encompassed expertise in fingerprints and forensic scene examination, completing five
operational tours of duty, and examining all types of scenes of crime. In 1993, he received a
commendation for outstanding scene examination. From August 1996 until May 2001, he lectured
at the Scientific Support College for the Metropolitan Police Training Establishment in Hendon.
Subjects included basic fingerprint foundation, advanced fingerprint, cadavers/chemical, and
basic and advanced forensic awareness courses. He has been an advisor to the Association of
Chief Police Officers (ACPO) led Project Board for fingerprint training which included ridgeology
and designing a ridgeology course for future experts in the U.K.
He also testified in Philadelphia before Judge Pollak in the US v Plaza case stating that he thought
the F.B.I.’s proficiency tests was too easy.
His work on the McKie, Asbury and McNamara cases forced him to resign and start a
consultancy, which includes lecturing, advising on all fingerprint, forensic scene examination
matters, training and investigating miscarriages of justice world wide.

Beck, Adolf (or Adolph) (1895)
An early case of erroneous identification by eyewitness testimony and personal recognition. In
1896, Adolf Beck was sentenced to 7 years for defrauding women out of their jewelry in London.
The main evidence against him was the testimony of 10 women who identified him as the man
who had robbed them, William Thomas aka John Smith, yet Beck insisted he was innocent and
he was not this man. He served 5 years of the sentence before being released on good behavior
in July 1901. On April 15, 1904 Beck was again accused of stealing jewelry from a young lady.
He was again found guilty but before being sentence, the real William Thomas was arrested for
the same crimes and the fact that these two men seemed to be doubles of each other was
discovered. On July 19, 1904, Beck was pardoned and given 5000 pounds for compensation.
Although some claim there were remarkable similarities between these two men, there were
obvious documented differences between them.

The Belper Committee
In 1894, Britain’s Troup Committee enacted the procedure of adding fingerprints to Bertillon cards.
During this time, these fingerprints were not used for identification purposes. In the early 1900’s,
the British Home Secretary convened a committee to resolve the competing claims of
anthropometry and fingerprinting. This committee was headed by Lord Henry Belper and became
known as The Belper Committee. In Dec. 1900, the Belper Committee recommended taking
fingerprints and classifying them by the Henry system. Implementation began in 1901.

Once considered to be the best technique for developing bloody latent prints on nonporous items.
Benzidine has been found to be a carcinogen and is no longer considered to be a viable process.

Berry, John B.E.M. (Aug. 26, 1926-Nov. 11, 2011)
Berry was born in 1926 in Birmingham, England. He served in the British Army from 1944 to
1948, stationed in Germany. Upon demobilization, he entered the police service, joining the
fingerprint bureau in 1955. He served in the bureau for 20 years, having the rank of sergeant from
1960 to 1975. He retired from the police service in 1975 and joined the Hertfordshire
Constabulary Fingerprint Bureau as a civilian technician. The Hertfordshire Bureau was a hive of
activity because The Fingerprint Society originated there. Berry edited The Society’s journal
FINGERPRINT WHORLD, first published in July 1975, and he subsequently edited 64
consecutive quarterly issues, until retiring from the bureau in 1991. In 1989 he was awarded the
British Empire Medal by H.M. The Queen for ‘services to fingerprints’. In retirement, Berry
continued with fingerprint research publishing 25 annual editions of his brainchild ‘Ridge Detail in
Nature’ (renamed ‘Strabismus’ in 1998).

Bertillon, Alphonse (April 22 or 23, 1853-Feb. 13, 1914)
Alphonse Bertillon devised a meticulous method of measuring body parts as a means of
identification, known as ‘The Bertillon Method of Identification’ or ‘Anthropometry’. It was first
used in 1883 and was found to be slightly flawed in 1903 (known as the Will West Case). The
West case did not end the use of Anthropometry but it did establish that Anthropometry did not
individualize all people. Even though the Bertillon system did not provide perfect results, it did
provide sufficient results and was very useful in its day.
Bertillon is also credited with solving the first crime involving latent prints without having a
suspect. Bertillon identified latent prints found on a piece of glass, from the murder scene of
Joseph Reibel, as being left by Henri Leon Scheffer’s. Bertillon found the identification by
searching his files one person at a time. The date of the murder was October 17, 1902 and the
identification was made on October 24, 1902. This is published in “Alphonse Bertillon: Father of
Scientific Detection”, Henry Rhodes (1956).

Bertillon Method of Identification
See Bertillon, Alphonse.

Bertillon’s method of anthropometry.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Best Practice
1. Scientific: A means of performing a task that has been established/validated to be more
effective than other practices.
2. Unscientific: A common or unvalidated practices.

Betts Case – Ohio 1917
The Betts case may have been the first conviction based solely on palm print evidence. In 1917,
Samual W. Betts was arrested and charged with burglary based on the fact that his palm print
was found on a windowpane. George Koestle (one of Ferrier’s students) was the person who
took and compared the palm prints.
‘Fingerprint and Identification Magazine’, Dec 1942.

Another palm print case that happened around the same time, and also said to be the first palm
print case to have a conviction, was a murder trial in Nevada. The defendant was Ben Kuhl.

Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828)
An English engraver noted for carving fingerprint stamps. Galton credits him as the first well
known person to study ridges as a means of identification (“Finger Prints”, 1892 pg. 26).

An unconscious influence based on impertinent information rather than objective data.
Information such as the case type, the conclusion of others, other identifications, other evidence
against a subject, a confession, etc., may be relevant information to determine the resources put
into a case (time, money, effort); but are irrelevant as data to support or refute a fingerprint
conclusion. The amount of influence any piece of information has on a conclusion may be difficult
to impossible to establish; however, bias is more likely to occur when the data is very general or
vague. Bias can be significantly minimized by interpreting data in a way that would hold up under
intense scrutiny.
See cognitive bias, confirmation bias, and contextual bias.

Bichromatic ™ Latent Print Powder
A multi-colored powder used to process an object with the purpose of visualizing friction ridge
detail. To avoid damaging a latent print, powders are best applied with a camel hair or fiberglass

Bichromatic ™ Latent Print Powder is a combination of black and silver/gray powder which can
be dusted on a light or dark surface. On a light-colored surface, the latent print will appear dark so
it can be seen and photographed easily. On a dark-colored surface, it will appear light. When
lifted with tape and placed on a white backing card, the latent print will appear dark.
http://www.redwop.com/technotes.asp?ID=85 07-11-2004
See Fingerprint Powders.

Bidloo, Govard (1649-1713)
An anatomist, credited with writing the first book, titled “Human Anatomy”, with detailed drawings
of fingerprints and pores in 1685.

The point at which one friction ridge divides into two friction ridges.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0
Divide into two branches.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Biological agent or condition (as an infectious organism or insecure laboratory conditions) that
constitutes a hazard.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Of plant and animal life.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press
Biological Uniqueness (also see Law of Biological Uniqueness)
The Scientific Law that states that all items in nature are unique.

Black Box
A testing method to assess a complex system by focusing on the inputs and outputs, i.e. data and
conclusions, and not looking at the internal system of how the end result is arrived at.
In psychology, the mind is usually referred to as a black box.
See White Box.

Black Box Study
The Black Box Study is a research project examining the accuracy and reliability rates of latent
print comparisons conducted by Noblis and the FBI, published in April 2011. The results were
published under the title “Accuracy and Reliability of Forensic Latent Print Decisions”. This study
assessed the conclusions but not the supporting justification behind the conclusions. 3% of the
examiners made erroneous individualizations. Since the identifications were not duplicated by
others, it was determined that blind verification would have found these errors. The erroneous
identification rate was .1%. 85% of the examiners made erroneous exclusions. The erroneous
exclusion rate was 7.5%. The practitioners were aware that this was a research study. Errors
were determined by ground truth knowledge. In March of 2012, additional results were published
under the title “Repeatability and Reproducibility of Decisions by Latent Fingerprint Examiners”.
This study found that examiners repeated their own individualizations 89.1% of the time and
repeated their own exclusions 90.1% of the time. The repeatability was lower in prints assessed
to be more difficult.

Black Light
Black Light is the series of electromagnetic wavelengths in the Ultraviolet light spectrum with
frequencies ranging from approximately 345-400nm. This frequency is referred to as black light
because of the absence of color that occurs. Some objects can be seen using black lights that
are invisible with normal lights.

Black Powder
A powder used to process an object with the purpose of visualizing friction ridge detail. Typically
latent print powder is black but is available in a wide range of colors. To avoid damaging a latent
print, powders are best applied with a camel hair or fiberglass brush.
See Fingerprint Powders.

Blaschko, Alfred (March 4, 1858-March 26, 1922)
Alfred Blaschko was a German dermatologist who did extensive studies on embryology and
dermatology and how they related to each other. He is sometimes referred to in fingerprint books
for his early studies of the dermal and epidermal layers (1884, 1887). Dr. Wilder credits Blaschko
as the first person to emphasize differences in the integument and attempts a classification for
these differences. He is most noted for describing a system of lines on the human skin which the
linear naevi and dermatoses follow, known as Blaschko lines.

Blind Testing
A valid scientific method of testing a hypothesis. This method is implemented by limiting the
information given to practitioners analyzing the data with the intent of decreasing the amount of
bias being introduced into an examination. For example, if practitioners are not privy to previous
conclusions, confirmation bias and conformation bias will be decreased. If practitioners do not
know case information, contextual bias will be decreased. This method of testing is especially
useful in areas of an examination that are inherently subjective (when the potential for bias is
elevated). Deciding what information to restrict is dependent on what area of the examination is
subjective. Blind Testing tests the reliability of a conclusion (the reproducibility) but it does not
test the validity of the conclusion (how the conclusion was arrived at), therefore blind testing is not
considered a valid form of peer review. Restricting information may be beneficial in testing for
bias but it may severely impact a conclusion if relevant information is being limited.
See Double Blind Testing.

Blind Verification
A valid scientific method of testing the reliability (reproducibility) of a conclusion by giving the
same information to others to independently analyze without being influenced by knowing the
conclusion of others.
The independent examination of one or more friction ridge impressions at any stage of the ACE
process by another competent examiner who is provided with no, or limited, contextual
information, and has no expectation or knowledge of the determinations or conclusions of the
original examiner.
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0
See Double Blind Verification.

Boiling Technique
A method to re-hydrate the friction skin of a deceased person. In this method water is boiled and
them removed from the heat. The hand is submerged in the water for approximately 5 seconds.
If re-hydration is not fully achieved the hand can be re-submerged for another 5 seconds. The
hand is then dried before attempting to record the friction skin detail.

Bonnevie, Kristine Elisabeth Heuch (1872-1950)
A Norwegian zoologist and geneticist who wrote “Studies on Papillary Patterns of Human
Fingers” in 1924, Journal of Genetics, Cambridge 1924: 15: 1-111. Her main areas of study were
genetic inheritance of patterns, cell division and chromosomes, the embryology of
dermatoglyphics and how the height of the volar pad affects the pattern type. Bonnevie was the
first to suggest that the basal layer of the epidermis grows faster than either the rest of the
epidermis. The layers growing at different rates, creates buckling which produces ridges on the
surface of the skin.

Bose, Hemchandra (1897)
Aka Rai Bahadur Hem Chandra Bose or Rai Bahadur Hemchandra Bose.
One of the Indian Police Officers in Bengal who worked for Sir Edward Richard Henry and helped
him develop the Henry System of Classification.
3859;year=2000;volume=46;issue=4;spage=303;epage=8;aulast=Tewari 02-15-2004

Bottom-Up Influences
One of the two cognitive influences with respect to observational knowledge. Bottom-up
influences are objective in nature, guided purely by data.
See Top-Down.

Bracelet Creases
The creases located at the base of the palm. Usually where the friction skin ends.

Abnormal shortness of fingers and toes.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Brady v. Maryland (1963)
The court decision which states that the prosecutor is obligated to disclose exculpatory
information that may be favorable to the defense.
See United States v Henthorn and Giglio v United States.

Friction ridge bifurcation; divergence of a friction ridge path.
Quantitative-Qualitative Friction Ridge Analysis, David R. Ashbaugh 1999 CRC Press

Brayley, Frederick A.
Frederick A. Brayley published the first book on fingerprints in the United States, “Brayley’s
Arrangement of Finger Prints, Identification, and Their Uses”, 1910.

A connecting friction ridge between, and generally at right angles to, parallel running friction
SWGFAST, Standard Terminology of Friction Ridge Examination 3-23-11 ver. 3.0

Bulb of the Fingers (Thumbs, Toes)
The portion of the friction skin on the tips of fingers, thumbs, or toes in the distal phalanx, from
one side of the nail to the opposite side of the nail.
SWGFAST, Glossary – Consolidated 09-09-03 ver. 1.0

Bullcoming v. New Mexico (2011)
See Supreme Court of the United States, Bullcoming v. New Mexico (2011).

Bureau of Criminal Identification (Dept. of Justice) / National Bureau of Identification
The Department of Justice created a Bureau of Criminal Identification in 1905 in order to provide
a centralized reference collection of fingerprint cards. In 1907, the collection was moved, as a
money-saving measure, to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary, where it was staffed by convicts.
Understandably suspicious of this arrangement, police departments formed their own centralized
identification bureau maintained by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (sometimes
referred to as the National Police Bureau). It refused to share its data with the Bureau of Criminal
Investigation. In 1924, Congress was persuaded to merge the two collections in Washington,
D.C., under Bureau of Investigation administration. As a result, law enforcement agencies across
the country began contributing fingerprint cards to the Bureau of Investigation by 1926.
http://www.fbi.gov/libref/historic/history/lawless.htm 12-03-2003